Improving education for sustainable development in schools

The United Nations and UNESCO define education as a vital tool in developing ESD (Education for Sustainable Development) as a global phenomenon. In Europe this has been taken into account in curriculums but too often ESD is considered as an 'add on'. In order to educate pupils towards a sustainable way of life ESD should be a fundamental and essential part of school culture. This may require a change in existing practices and ways of thinking.
This course will focus on how to improve school culture to promote sustainable development. During school visits participants will learn how United Nations new sustainable development goals (Agenda2030) has been implemented in Finnish basic education.
Daily work includes presentations, workshops, visits to local schools, job shadowing and reflection. The course contains also social activities when participants will meet and discuss with Finnish teachers and headteachers.
Main topics are:
-Finnish school system and teacher training
- Agenda2030
- Model of ESD-school
- Importance of school culture
- Examples of ESD activities at school
- Different learning environments to support ESD
The course is targeted for teachers, headteachers and administrative staff. The participants will get Europass mobility document and a course certificate.
The course is carried out if there are more than 10 participants.
The course fee is 520€. It includes only the course program.
(Not available at the moment)
Make Pre-registration for a course of your interest.